Thursday 21 April 2016

The Brecks

We started the day searching for Stone-Curlews and were met with our first calling Cuckoo as we parked up. Soon afterwards the first Stone-Curlews were found, at first a single bird then two and then a third bird joined them. In all six were seen during an hour long visit along with two Wheatear, Skylark, Meadow Pipit, Stonechat and Woodlark.

Lakenheath was alive with Sedge Warblers, but there was no sight or sound of the sought after Grasshopper Warbler. As we approached the Joist Fen viewpoint Bearded Tits began "pinging" but remained elusive. Several Marsh Harriers were seen hunting over the reedbeds. A single Crane was seen as it made a brief flight before dropping back down among the reeds. Two Bitterns were seen in flight and a Cuckoo flew straight across the viewpoint. A Water Rail emerged from the edge of the reeds and was gone as quickly as it had appeared. 
A Grasshopper Warbler had recently been heard "reeling" not far from Mere Hide by a couple that had just arrived at the viewpoint, so we headed back in that direction. Shortly after reaching the area, sure enough the distinctive sound of a Grasshopper Warbler was heard.

Year List now stands at 198


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