A short early morning sea-watch from the relative comfort of the beach hide produced large numbers of Sandwich Terns along with smaller numbers of Common Terns. Also seen during this time were large numbers of Brent Geese and Common Scoter plus single figure Red-breasted Merganser, Red-throated Diver, Shelduck and Shoveler.
A pair of Wheatear were found on the shingle near the boats before we moved on to the reserve and found our first Sedge Warblers of the year. A Cetti's Warbler showed well while we were searching for the Sedge Warblers. A single House Martin was an unexpected bonus.
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Cetti's Warbler |
A drive along Galloways failed to produce any Whinchat, but plenty of Stonechat, Linnet and Meadow Pipits were on show among the bramble and gorse.
Before heading for home we stopped off at Elmley NNR and watched several Marsh Harrier and Buzzard hunting along the entrance track.
We scanned the fields either side of the entrance track for Yellow Wagtails on the way up, but failed to see any, but on the return drive dad managed to find a single bird on a grass ridge.
Five year ticks added today and another enjoyable day's birding.
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