Tuesday 6 August 2024

Temminck's Stint, Blue House Farm

Brian offered to take me to Blue House Farm this afternoon, and I was happy to accept. We arrived at the small car park off Fambridge Road to find it full, luckily a birder was just returning allowing us to grab his space.

I have only visited Blue House Farm Reserve once, probably twenty years ago. Although I did walk to the River Crouch from the car park last year for a Montagu's Harrier. To reach the first hide it's a walk of 1km. The hide is quite small and there was limited space inside when we entered. The main reason for the visit was the hope that the Temminck's stint was still present, and thankfully it was. In fact, it was asleep on a small shingle island right in front of the hide. It soon woke and treated us to cracking views as it fed among the shingle and then at the water's edge.

Temminck's Stint

As some of the birders began to leave, it allowed me to set up the scope and scan the rest of the marsh. Nine Spoonbills were seen at the far right of the marsh and three Wood Sandpipers and Three Curlew Sandpipers were new additions to my year list. At least eight Green Sandpipers were present as were 2 Greenshank and four Common Sandpipers. Treble figures of Black-tailed Godwits were also present as were Ringed Plovers, Oystercatchers, Avocets, and Ruff. 

The clouds began to darken above us, so we headed for the car park to avoid a soaking.

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