Saturday 25 May 2024

Great Reed Warbler: Ouse Fen, Cambridgeshire

A surprise phone call from Brian this morning saw us heading up the M11 into Cambridgeshire for a visit to Ouse Fen RSPB. A Great Reed Warbler had been present since the 17th. After a trouble-free journey, we arrived at the car park and took the footpath towards Crane's Fen. The bird had stayed loyal to one particular area throughout its stay, and as we approached the viewing mound we could hear the bird calling. During our visit, the bird called constantly and with patience and constant scanning gave several decent views. After a couple of hours, we got used to its movements. It would remain hidden among the reeds, then suddenly appear to chase a common Reed Warbler, then fly across the small water channel and make its way towards the top of the reeds on the opposite side, before returning to its favoured patch of reeds.

Bitterns were very vocal and we enjoyed several flight views, one flew straight past us, and then four were seen in the air together! 

It was a shame we didn't have more time to explore the rest of the reserve, but I'm hopeful we will return soon.

Great Reed Warbler territory

Great Reed Warbler

Sunday 5 May 2024

Woodchat Shrike, Rainham Marshes

A Woodchat Shrike was discovered at Rainham Marshes today. It's only twenty miles from home, a journey that would normally take thirty minutes took nearer to fifty minutes due to the Friday afternoon traffic. The latest reports suggested the bird was along the path close to shooting Butts hide. From the visitor centre, it's a walk to the furthest point on the reserve of about a mile. We passed several birders as we made our way along the path, and received positive news that the bird was still present. As we joined the small group of birders already present, the Shrike was spotted among the bramble bushes at the side of the footpath. We watched the shrike for a couple of hours, as it spent its time making small flights down to the footpath and back to the brambles. Sometimes flying further along the path and out of sight, only to return soon afterwards. 

The Woodchat Shrike was the first record for Rainham Marshes Reserve and, a new addition to my London list.