Tuesday 31 October 2023

Solitary Sandpiper: Stodmarsh, Kent

Due to not feeling well and having had very little sleep, I missed an opportunity to go to Frampton with Brian for the Red-headed Bunting. To add insult to injury, I missed Brian's phone call the next day saying he was going to Stodmarsh for the Solitary Sandpiper!

Brian having already seen the bird on Sunday offered to take me today, which I was more than happy to accept.

We arrived shortly after first light and made our way along the footpath towards the boathouse. This was where the bird had been seen the previous evening. The viewing area was minimal and already birders were standing four deep across the path. There had been no sign of the bird so far so Brian decided to check Tower hide and Reedbed hide to see if it was showing from there. Dad and I decided to stick it out but after a further two and a half hours with no sign of the bird and rain steadily falling since arrival we joined Brian in Reedbed hide and year ticked a Water Pipit that Brian had phoned to say was present. It wasn't exactly a Solitary Sandpiper, but a year tick was a welcome distraction. We enjoyed views of Great White Egret, Kingfishers, and Water rails, while listening to the constant calls of Bearded Tits, when suddenly news comes through that the sandpiper had appeared on the muddy strip by the boathouse! 

I walked back as fast as I could to find twice as many birders present as there were earlier. I managed to get around the back of the last line of birders and stood at the left-hand side of the viewing area. I still had no view, however, a birder was about to leave and kindly let me take his place. I now had a decent view of the area, but there was no bird! Then suddenly there it was, emerging from the reeds on the left and feeding along the muddy strip. It would follow the same pattern while I was present, it would appear either from the left or right walk along the muddy strip and quickly disappear at the other end again.

View from Reedbed hide

Water Pipit

Water Rail

Great White Egret

Solitary Sandpiper (Brian took this on his previous visit)

The very limited Viewing area for the sandpiper

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