Another visit to Dungeness this morning, Arriving around 7am we drove along Galloways and found hundreds of Hirundines gathering around the sheep fields and on the telegraph wires. Mainly Sand Martins with a few Swallows and House Martins among them. Whinchats, Wheatears, and Stonechats were present in good numbers and several Common Whitethroats and a stunning looking Lesser Whitethroat were also seen.
Wheatear |
Whinchat |
A search of the Lighthouse gardens and surrounding areas produced several more Wheatears and a Sparrowhawk which flew low across the grass between us and dropped into the garden.
Eight Cattle Egrets were reported in the fields close to Boulderwall Farm yesterday, today only a single bird was seen. Although quite distant it did show well among the cattle.
Cattle Egret |
Another drive along Galloways and Dengemarsh Gully produced sightings of a pair of Raven and a single Spotted Flycatcher. We ended the trip with a long walk around the Long Pits area but failed to turn up anything of note other than a Grass Snake which Brian spotted swimming across the pit.
Grass Snake (B Anderson) |
Before heading for home, we stopped off at Wanstead Flats for another hour session with the Red-backed Shrike. This time it was showing well upon arrival but was constantly on the move looking for prey. Crickets and Bees seemed to be the main targets. A Hobby flying directly above our heads was a nice bonus to end the day.
Red-backed Shrike |
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