Wednesday 17 April 2024

Minsmere day trip

We made our first visit of the year to Minsmere this morning, arriving around 7am we headed along the north wall footpath, hearing several Nightingales among the north bushes. Our first Cuckoo of the year was heard as we scanned the area for Stone Curlew. As we approached the new boardwalk section a Grasshopper Warbler was heard "reeling" within the reeds. The new boardwalk now takes you directly to East Hide without the need to go onto the beach. Several scans of East Scrape produced a male Garganey, two Greenshank, Knot, Ringed Plover, Black-tailed Godwits, Med Gulls, and our 2nd addition to the year list in the form of several Sandwich Terns.

Several more Sandwich Terns were seen from the public hide, and large numbers of Kittiwake were found roosting on the towers out at sea. 

Several Bitterns were heard "Booming" on our walk around the reserve, but we only managed views of one individual in flight. 

View from North Wall, looking south towards Sizewell

Black-tailed Godwit

After leaving Minsmere, we stopped briefly at Dunwich Heath and managed to spot three Dartford Warblers. Large numbers of Sand Martins were present but we didn't see any House Martins among them. 

Leaving Dunwich, we drove northeast to Walberswick. We parked in Cliff Field car park and walked back along the beach until we found the scoter flock we were after. We were searching for a Surf Scoter and, quickly located it drifting along at the back of a raft of Common Scoter.

Surf Scoter with Common Scoter

We ended the day having seen 94 species, 5 of which were new additions to the year list and the Surf Scoter was also a new bird for my Suffolk list.

Sunday 14 April 2024

Rainham Marshes, In search of warblers

A Wood Warbler was reported at Rainham Marshes yesterday,  Brian and I hadn't seen one in London before, so were eager to make the trip. It's only a short distance from home and twenty-five minutes later we were parked in the car park. We headed down the ramp and past Purfleet Scrape towards the Cordite Store area, where the bird had been reported from earlier. As we turned the corner we could see a small group of birders looking towards a group of Willows and brambles. As we joined them the Wood Warbler began singing. Although it sang regularly during our visit it remained largely hidden within the thick cover. The walk back to the car produced a couple of Reed Warblers singing from the reeds for another year tick.

We had been told that a Grasshopper Warbler had been heard earlier in the day, but by the time we arrived at the top car park, all was quiet. A scan of the Thames added a single Common Tern, seen heading upriver to add to the year list total.

Brian and I headed back to Rainham this morning, thinking we would have a better chance of hearing the Gropper "reeling" early morning. As we headed down the path the Gropper was heard immediately. As we began scanning the area the Gropper was spotted surprisingly quickly. It was perched on a low branch just above the vegetation. As we watched the Grasshopper Warbler a Short-eared Owl flew up from the grass and landed on a fence post. It was soon mobbed by crows and went to ground among the taller grasses.

Grasshopper Warbler

Short-eared Owl

Friday 12 April 2024

Frampton Marsh, Delivers again

Brian had a rare free day, so we decided to head north to Frampton Marsh this morning. We arrived around 8am and quickly found the Lesser Yellowlegs feeding at the edge of one of the pools close to the car park. The Black-winged Stilt was also found although it was at a much greater distance than the Yellowlegs. A Short-eared Owl flew across the flooded fields and was mobbed by Avocets and Black-tailed Godwits. We spent plenty of time scanning the flooded grasslands and enjoyed views of  Yellow Wagtail, White Wagtail, Great Egret, Spotted Redshank, Ruff, and Greenshank. The Greenshank was a new addition to the year list.

Lesser Yellowlegs

We walked along the main path, and Brian picked out two Little Gulls (an adult and a 1st winter) on the south scrape. We enjoyed closer views from the viewing mound by Reedbed Hide.

Little Gull (1st winter)

Little Gull (Adult)

Three Little Ringed Plovers were seen from the 360 Hide along with several Ringed Plovers. There were also large numbers of Dunlin and Knot all packed tightly together on one of the islands.

Little Ringed plover

We scanned the south scrape again from the viewing mound and found a Black Tern. It flew back and forth across the scrape and briefly headed across the path over the 360 Hide before returning. The Black-winged Stilt had returned to the south scrape and was standing on the shingle at the end of an island. We had been talking to another birder earlier in the morning and while watching the Black Tern he asked Brian "What's this odd-looking gull". It turns out to be the Bonapartes Gull that had been reported as having flown off yesterday evening. It showed superbly right in front of the viewing mound.

Black Tern

Bonaparte's gull

Black-winged Stilt

We finished the day with 84 species seen, including five new additions to my year list.

Wednesday 10 April 2024

Abberton Reservoir

A few hours spent at Fishers Green in the Lee Valley on Monday failed to produce any sight or sound of any Nightingales, even though Brian heard a singing bird the previous day. 

This morning we headed for Abberton Reservoir and immediately heard a Nightingale singing as soon as we left the car. We walked the approach road to the reserve and heard at least six Nightingales. However, seeing one proved much more difficult. I eventually managed brief views of a single bird.

We moved along the causeway and found an Arctic Tern resting on a small buoy on the water between both causeways. 

We checked the small flood opposite Billets Farm and after several scans from different areas along the road, I found two Little Ringed Plovers. A check of the sheep fields around the farm added another early-year tick when we saw three Yellow Wagtails feeding among the short grass.

The flood which held two Little Ringed Plover

On the drive to Layer Breton Causeway, Brian found four Med Gulls in a field behind Garr House Farm. A scan from the causeway produced a single Swallow, which was our only hirundine of the day. We also found a single Spoonbill deep among the tree branches. We eventually managed decent views after walking further along the causeway.