Wednesday 31 January 2024

All five grebes species seen locally

We had a spare couple of hours this morning, so popped over to the reservoir in search of the Red-necked Grebe. Scanning the north basin we soon found Great Crested and Little Grebes in good numbers. Another scan and we spotted the Slavonian Grebe among a small flock of Tufted Ducks. The main target had still eluded us thus far but after numerous scans, the Red-necked Grebe was found. It was distant, and not far from the west bank. It was diving frequently, and no sooner had it surfaced than it would dive again. Two Great Crested Grebes in the same area proved to be very useful in relocating the Red-necked as it seemed to reappear each time close to them.

Slavonian Grebe

We had now seen four of the five grebe species, so we set off to scan the Girling hoping to add the fifth species, and it wasn't long before we found a Black-necked Grebe among a flock of Tufted Ducks. 

A couple of hours birding only fifteen minutes from home had produced all five species of grebe. Two of which were new additions to the year list.

Monday 29 January 2024

Failing to see the Black Scoter at Holkham

A birthday trip to Norfolk this morning. The Black Scoter was our main target, but we knew before we set off it was going to be a difficult challenge. We arrived at Lady Anne's Drive around 8am and had a quick scan for the Green-winged Teal that had been found on the 21st. We failed to find it among the mixed flocks of Eurasian Teal, Wigeon, and Lapwings, but we didn't spend very long looking as we wanted as much time searching for the Black Scoter as possible. We headed along the boardwalk toward the beach, only to find the tide had almost completely covered the bay. All that was left was a thin strip running along the fence line. Brian had made the right choice and put wellies on, I on the other hand had not, so I walked as far as I could passing the roped-off area but soon realised I would either have to suffer wet feet, take my boots off or wait for the tide to recede. I chose to wait and after half an hour or so, it was shallow enough in places to safely pass.

While waiting for the tide to recede I could see a long line of scoter out on the sea, but it wasn't until I joined Brian that I realised the true scale of the scoter flock. It was massive, and more worrying it was very distant! We spent over three hours scanning through the raft, picking out a couple of Long-tailed Ducks for a year tick, and a few Velvet Scoters were picked out. but the massive scoter flocks were just too distant. 

As Brian went off in search of Shorelarks, I tried to find a way back through the flooded channels to the car park. Missing out on the Shorelarks gave me more time to try to find the Green-winged Teal, which thankfully I did. It was asleep but showing well through the scope.

Green-winged Teal

We left Holkham and headed for Sheringham, stopping on the way at Cley hoping but not expecting to find some Twite. We drove along Beach Road and pulled into a small parking spot, after climbing the bank we immediately spotted a flock of thirty or so Twite close by. We watched as they flew across the path and then back again and landed among the reeds further along the bank.

At Sheringham, we took the footpath passed the museum and down past the shelter but could not find any Purple Sandpipers. The ticket for the car park was nearing its expiry time, but one last look over the wall to the rocks below and Brian found a single Purple Sandpiper.

Museum with the shelter in the background

Although we had failed to find the Black Scoter I still managed to add five new additions to the year list.

Hopefully, we will get another chance at the Black Scoter if it hangs around.

Friday 26 January 2024

No sign of the White-billed Diver at Southend Pier

News of a White-billed Diver yesterday at Southend was frustrating, as Brian had grandad duties and by the time he was free we wouldn't be able to get there before dark or before the pier had closed. 

We decided we would give it a try this morning, we set off early but with the pier not opening until 10.15 we headed for Wallasea Island. We pulled up along the entrance track and within an hour of scanning the marshes we had managed to see six species of raptor. Kestrel, Merlin, Buzzard, Short-eared owl, Marsh Harrier, and Ringtail Hen Harrier. 

We arrived at the pier shortly before it opened and having taken care of the parking charges, we took the train along the 1.25 miles to the end of the pier. As soon as we disembarked, we had views of several Med Gulls. 

Mediterranean Gull

We had three hours to scan the water, and we picked out plenty of Red-throated Divers and a couple of  Great Northern Divers, one of which caused a bit of debate but was soon found to be another Great Northern Diver. Razorbill, Guillemot, and Great Crested Grebes were all seen, but there was no sign of the White-Billed Diver. Several Grey seals were also seen at close quarters.

We had walked up and down most of the pier looking for the diver, but after three hours we had to admit defeat and head back to the car. The bird would be reported again at 4.15pm, but we were left wondering if this was a genuine report or the Great Northern Diver that had caused some confusion earlier in the day. 

Update on the White-billed Diver

Brian and I returned to Southend on the 10th of February and this time we saw the White-billed Diver. It was about a mile off the end of the pier. We enjoyed decent scope views and got several other birders onto the bird either with directions or by letting them look through the scope.

Saturday 20 January 2024

Ferruginous Duck, Snaresbrook

On Tuesday a Ferruginous Duck "of unknown origin" was found on Jubilee Pond at Wanstead Flats. Yesterday it was refound on Eagle Pond in Snaresbrook. Just five miles from home it was worth a visit even if not a genuinely wild bird. We arrived to find three-quarters of the pond frozen. At first, we couldn't locate the bird, but then spotted it among the overhanging branches of a tree at the end of the island. It remained asleep for a while, but eventually, it became more active. 

When the locals turned up with bread for the resident ducks and swans, the fudge duck followed them around and would dive to feed on anything that had been disturbed. It didn't seem interested in bread until some was thrown directly to it. Wild or not it's a really smart looking duck and worth the short drive to see it.

Sunrise at Eagle Pond

Friday 19 January 2024

Little Owl, Hertfordshire

A return visit to Lemsford Springs this morning in the hope that the Jack Snipe that had been reported yesterday would still be present. We spent a couple of hours searching every area without any luck, only finding three Common Snipe for our efforts. We later found out that someone had decided to walk along the grass banks in front of the hides yesterday completely ignoring the no-entry signs, and had inevitably flushed everything! 

The entrance gate at Lemsford Springs

Our main target this morning was to try to see a Little Owl. Before driving to the site, we drove along the fields near Baldock and soon connected with both target species, Corn Bunting and Grey Partridge. We also had a close view of a Red Kite on a telegraph pole and a distant scope view of a Merlin on the ground.

The final stop was at a park where we had seen Little Owls previously. It took longer than expected to find, but eventually, one was spotted. It spent quite a while sleeping up against the tree trunk. When it did wake it became a lot more active. It made several brief flights to various branches before it settled on a stump at eye level. 

We set out this morning hoping to see four new birds for the year and we managed to see three of them.  

Tuesday 16 January 2024

Morning birding in Hertfordshire

 St Andrew Church, Bramfield

We arrived at the church around 9am, and although a Hawfinch had been seen earlier in the morning there had been no sightings for over an hour. Brian headed off across the playing field to check the bottom hedgerows. There was a large flock of Greenfinch and Yellowhammers feeding within this area. He soon found three Hawfinch among the flock. After joining him I managed to see a single bird and we also found a male Bullfinch. The Hawfinch flew off towards the church, where we relocated it at the top of a tree in the churchyard.

Lemsford Springs Nature Reserve

We arrived at Lemsford Springs to find more cars parked outside this small reserve than we had ever seen. Unsurprising, then that there were no keys available to enter the gate. We waited over thirty minutes until a large birding group exited the reserve (The reason for all the cars and the lack of keys.) Looking out from the hide we managed views of  Green Sandpipers, Snipe, Grey Wagtail, Little Egret, Siskin, and my first Jays of 2024! Despite the freezing temperatures recently and the fact that the watercress beds never freeze, we were hopeful of finding a Jack Snipe. Unfortunately, we failed to see any on this occasion. If the temperatures fall even further it might tempt one or two to drop in.

Green Sandpiper

Common Snipe

St Albans Cathedral

The cathedral was seven miles from Lemsford Springs and worth the small detour. A Black Redstart had been present in recent days, and having failed to see any at Dungeness we went looking for it. As we turned the corner of the cathedral there was a small group of photographers pointing their camera's towards a nearby tree. Perched on one of the branches was the Black Redstart.

St Alban's Cathedral

Black Redstart


Brian headed down the footpath hoping to find the Kingfisher that had been showing so well recently. Dad and I headed inside the Cathedral, then joined Brian and found the Kingfisher was showing really well and drawing the crowds. Photographers were grabbing shots of the bird and plenty of people just out for a walk were stopping and taking photos with their phones.

A cracking morning's birding all within a relatively short distance from home.

Saturday 13 January 2024

Birding at Dungeness and Oare Marshes in kent

We spent the morning in and around the Dungeness area today, firstly, travelling the roads of Walland Marsh where we soon found the two Tundra Bean Geese in the company of some Bewick's swans. As we watched the geese a herd of nineteen Bewick's Swans flew in, another first for the new year. We continued driving the narrow roads and found a large flock of birds feeding on the stubble fields. Looking closer through the flock we realised it was mainly Tree Sparrows and Yellowhammers with much smaller numbers of Linnet and Reed Bunting. To our surprise, Tree Sparrows were far and away the most numerous with well over a hundred birds! A Merlin was flushed from its roadside tree as we drove past and Brian added Green Woodpecker to his year list and I managed to add Stock Dove and Mistle Thrush to mine.

Tundra Bean geese with Bewick's Swans

A brief seawatch produced a steady stream of Red-throated Divers and Guillemots passed the hide, and we managed to see a group of four Razorbills. 

View from the sea-watching hide

As we drove away from Dungeness, we spotted a single cattle Egret in a small sheep enclosure off Dungeness Road.

Cattle Egret

We finished the day at Oare Marshes, where the reported Spoonbill was still asleep on an island on East Flood and was soon joined by a second bird. A Kingfisher was another new addition to the year list when it flew straight in front of us along the channel by the roadside. A Bittern was seen as it flew from the reedbed north of East Flood, crossed the road, and dropped into the reeds on the west side. A Great White Egret was also on East Flood along with Large numbers of Avocet, Dunlin, Black-tailed Godwit, and smaller numbers of Redshank.

Sleeping Spoonbill

2nd Spoonbill flying in

A  pleasant but bitterly cold day's birding, which thankfully remained dry throughout the day. 

Thursday 4 January 2024

Northern Waterthrush: Heybridge, Essex

Returning home from Abberton yesterday afternoon, we saw reports of a Northern Waterthrush being reported from a garden at Heybridge, just 10 miles from Abberton. The bird news messages were not particularly helpful. "In a garden between Heybridge Creek and Chelmer Blackwater navigation canal briefly then flew north towards canal".

The news was vague at best but this morning we decided we would travel to Abberton and search for the Canvasback that we dipped yesterday and wait to see if there would be any positive news on the waterthrush. However, these plans changed quickly, because as we arrived at Layer Breton Causeway the Waterthrush was reported as seen in the creek at Heybridge! A quick U-turn and we were joining the twenty or so other birders already present. The bird had been seen briefly three times before we arrived but had then flown towards the houses bordering the creek two minutes before we arrived!

Thirty minutes had gone by and suddenly the bird flew back in calling. During the next hour, it gave a couple of brief views, so brief in fact that although I saw the bird with my eyes by the time I lifted my bins it had disappeared again. A further two hours passed without any sign, then it suddenly appeared in a small tree beside the creek, it remained in the tree for a couple of minutes before dropping into the creek. It didn't stay in the creek for very long and soon it disappeared over the grass bank and out of sight again. The views were much better this time and not only did I manage to get my bins on it this time I also had time to get my scope trained on the bird.  

The crowd had quickly swelled from twenty or so when we arrived to well over one hundred by the time we decided to leave. 

It's only the eighth record for Britain and only the third for the mainland. With us not travelling to the islands the chance of seeing a Northern Waterthrush would have been very slim, but not only have I seen one, but I've seen it in my home county of Essex! 

The creek and area favoured by the bird

Northern waterthrush

Wednesday 3 January 2024

Abberton Reservoir and Waxwings in Colchester

Having spent yesterday at home doing a few jobs, it was time for more birding today. We headed for Abberton Reservoir. As we arrived, a large raft of Pochard was on the water off Layer Breton Causeway. But after several scans through the flock, there was no sign of the Canvasback. A pair of Smew were seen moving slowly in front of the distant reedbed, and two pairs of Red Crested Pochard flew overhead before circling back and landing on the same body of water as the Smew.

We drove to Layer-De-La-Haye Causeway and quickly added Goosander and Great Crested Grebe to the year list. There was a huge raft of Coot and another group of Pochard among them. We scanned through the flock but again there was no sign of the Canvasback. My first Grey Wagtail of the year was seen along the reservoir bank and a Rock Pipit dropped onto the opposite bank for another addition to the year list.

Male Goosander

Rock Pipit

We left Abberton when twenty Waxwings were reported just ten miles away in Colchester. There was no sign of the birds when we arrived, but fifteen minutes later they flew in.

An hour or so later we headed back to Abberton and scanned the reservoir from St Andrews Church viewpoint. We picked out a couple of Great Black-backed Gulls but again failed to find the Canvasback or the juvenile Velvet Scoters that had been reported.

We returned home to find that someone had seen the Canvasback from Lodge Lane viewpoint, the only place we didn't visit! 

Monday 1 January 2024

New Years Day Birding in Norfolk 2024

The new birding year started as it does more often than not in Norfolk. On route, a Barn Owl was seen perched on a fence post and a brief stop at Hunstanton added Fulmar and Black-headed Gull. We spent the morning at Titchwell where we enjoyed good views of Spotted Redshank and a pair of Red-breasted Mergansers on the Tidal Pool. At the beach, we found Knot, Sanderling, Turnstone, Dunlin, and Black-tailed Godwit before adding a single Red-throated Diver, and a large raft of Common Scoter to the year list. 

At Brancaster, we found a Red-throated Diver close by in the bay and also added Bar-tailed Godwit before moving on to Burnham Market where we added Cattle Egret to the day total when four were seen within a horse paddock.

Horse paddock with four Cattle Egret

Stiffkey was our next destination, after parking in the Red Lion Pub car park we quickly found the  Glossy Ibis feeding among a flock of Wigeon in the far corner of the flooded field. 

Continuing along the A149 to Cley we quickly found the Red-breasted Goose feeding among a large group of Brent Geese. 

As we headed back along the A149 towards Kings Lynn we managed to locate the Black-throated Diver on Hardwick Flood Lagoon. 

The Nene Washes at Eldernell was to be our final destination of the day, and with the light fading we managed to see four species of owl (Long-eared Owl, Short-eared Owl, Tawny Owl, and Barn Owl) as well as three Cranes and four Great White Egret. As we stood in the car park we were treated to a fantastic Starling murmuration. An amazing sight to bring the first days birding of the new year to a close.

Barn Owl seen along the entrance track to the Nene washes